Meetings are held in person and available through Zoom. Meetings are held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), in the room beside the Family History Library. Accessed through the north doors of the Church. Hope to see you there!
Bower LDS Church, 3002 – 47 Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
Time: Date:
7:00 pm Third Thursday of the month (except July, August and December) LDS Church and Zoom
There is an opening for a Committee Chair. Please Email us if you are interested in volunteering.
2023-24 Executive
- President: Jessie Dial
- Vice-President: Carol Webber
- Secretary: Jean Boxer
- Treasurer: Ray Cyr
- Past President: Lauranne Hemmingway
Committee Chairs
- Cemetery: vacant
- Library: Kelly Fairholm
- Membership: Jean Boxer
- Newsletter: vacant
- Publicity: Joan Schmelke
- Queries/Research: Carren Ross
- Web Services: Lianne Kruger
Contact Us
Red Deer Branch
26 Piper Drive Red Deer, Alberta
Canada, T4P 1H6
Contact the Red Deer Branch ›